Monday, June 4, 2007

Message from a Proud Freedom Fighter

Dear Dato' Vijay,
It's been 30 days since the last time we saw each other and maybe you wonder where I am and what I am doing. Very simple, I'm focusing on holding our network tide and proving to the world that now you can go on vacation twice a year, each of six months and yet bothing wrong will happen...because you have established the most strong organization and you have built the most loving family.
Dato', I am focusing on my duties - no time for blaming anyone or looking back because that's what our enemies are hoping for. You must be very proud of yourself and of us. Be very proud of your warriors. All my love to you, Japa, Donna and TG.
I have faith in all of you and your ability to stand strong during this challenging times. Don't worry about us. Just sit and relax and rest assured that all the good things you have done for us in the past will help you out.
Insha Allah.
I'm praying for you to come home every moment.
Your soldier and Freedom Fighter,